SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project

S-RIP News

2024 APARC Reanalysis Intercomparison (A-RIP) Planning Workshop 22-24 (+20-21) July 2024, Boulder, CO USA and online

24 May 2024 | (Pre-)Registration and abstract submission for A-RIP (formerly called as S-RIP Phase 2) Planning Workshop (Boulder, USA) is open [here]. :
  • 1 July 2024: Abstract submission deadline
  • 5 July 2024: Registration deadline for in-person attendance
  • 20-21 July (Weekend following Quadrennial Ozone Symposium): ECR networking events - details will be announced very soon]; opportunities for small group meetings
  • 22-24 July 2024: A-RIP Planning Workshop
Please consider joining us in Boulder or online for this workshop!

The Sixth WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6)

24 January 2024 | The Sixth WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6) will take place in Tokyo, Japan from 28th October to 1st November 2024. Abstract submission deadline is 24 March 2024 (JST).

S-RIP2 kickoff and planning meeting 2024

20 December 2023 | We have decided the dates of the S-RIP Phase 2 kickoff and planning meeting in Boulder, USA, in July 2024 as:
20-21 July (side meetings; the weekend just after the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium)
22-24 July (**the main days**)
Please save the dates! The venue (in Boulder) is to be determined soon later.

AMS 22nd Conference on Middle Atmosphere & S-RIP2 session

20 December 2023 | At the AMS 22nd Conference on Middle Atmosphere (24-28 June 2024, Burlington & online), there will be a reanalysis session "Long-term Reanalysis, Observational Dataset and Future Observational Needs" with a strong S-RIP2 focus. Please see this website. Abstract deadline is 29 February 2024.

Outreach and Capacity Building Coordinator for S-RIP2

3 November 2023 | Mohamadou Diallo of FZ-Juelich, Germany, has kindly agreed to become the Outreach and Capacity Building Coordinator for S-RIP2. We will strengthen this direction as well in the S-RIP Phase 2.

EGU session on S-RIP2

3 November 2023 | We will have an S-RIP2 session at the EGU General Assembly 2024: AS3.14 "S-RIP2: Expanding the SPARC-Reanalysis Intercomparison Project". Please see here and submit your abstract!

JRA-3Q paper published

3 November 2023 | The reference paper on JRA-3Q (Kosaka et al. 2024) is now available as an early online release from here. JRA-3Q data are now available at DIAS. See JMA site and DIAS site. Also, JRA-3Q are being added to zonal mean RID (click Data access, Server).

JRA-3Q data from Sep. 1947 to present

14 August 2023 | JRA-3Q data for the whole period, from September 1947 to present, are now available at DIAS. See JMA site and DIAS site.

S-RIP at the SPARC SSG meeting 2023

17 July 2023 | S-RIP co-lead Gloria Manney presented the S-RIP activity report including S-RIP2 plans at the SPARC SSG meeting. Presentation slides are available here.

New S-RIP dataset "RID" - new data link at JAMSTEC

3 April 2023 | Patrick Martineau has prepared a new reanalysis intercomparison dataset (RID) for S-RIP Phase 2, which is now available from the official RID website at JAMSTEC. This is an extended version of the dynamical part of Martineau et al. (2018).

S-RIP Phase 2 (S-RIP2) planning & proposal

1 March 2023 | An article on planning and proposal for S-RIP Phase 2 has been published in SPARC Newsletter No. 60. We (the S-RIP2 leads) are looking forward to your comments, suggestions, and active involvement!

Part of JRA-3Q data now available

11 December 2022 | The new global reanalysis data set from Japan Meteorological Agency, JRA-3Q is now available for the period between January 1991 and April 2013. This is the next one to JRA-55, eventually covering September 1947 to present. Detailed information can be found from JMA, and data are available from DIAS.

New Special Issue on the S-RIP Phase 2 Launched Soon

9 December 2022 | A new inter-journal special issue on "The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) Phase 2" will be launched in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) and Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD), starting from 1 January 2023. Please see more information at ACP Scheduled SIs and at WCD Scheduled SIs.

New S-RIP dataset "RID" now available from JAMSTEC

9 December 2022 | Patrick Martineau has prepared a new reanalysis intercomparison dataset (RID) for S-RIP Phase 2, which is now available from JAMSTEC. This is an extended version of the dynamical part of Martineau et al. (2018). See more information in this document.

S-RIP hybrid and online-only meetings - a summary

8 December 2022 | A summary of the S-RIP meetings in October-November can be found at this webpage.

S-RIP hybrid and online-only meetings

14 October 2022 | The following three hybrid and online-only meetings are planned: (1) S-RIP side meeting during the SPARC General Assembly, *hybrid*: Thursday 27 Oct. 2022 12:00-13:00 at Boulder, USA (MDT=UTC-6); (2) S-RIP *online-only* meeting: Thursday 10 Nov. 4-5 UTC (13-14 JST); and (3) S-RIP *online-only* meeting: Thursday 10 Nov. 13-14 UTC (22-23 JST). See this webpage for more details. The online access information will be sent through the S-RIP News email list a few days before each of the meetings. [Contact Masatomo Fujiwara if you are not on the list.]

Release of stratosphere-focused chemical reanalysis M2-SCREAM

25 July 2022 | The M2-SCREAM (Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications - 2 (MERRA-2) Stratospheric Composition Reanalysis of Aura Microwave Limb Sounder) has been developed at NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office in collaboration with the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) team. The M2-SCREAM data are available to the public through the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) and can be accessed here. More detailed information on M2-SCREAM can be found here.

Reanalysis session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022

25 July 2022 | Please consider to submit an abstract to A081 - Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation, and Application. Abstract deadline is 3 August. This year, AGU "will be held in Chicago and online everywhere 12 - 16 December 2022." - see the details at

Updated version of "ERA5 back extension (*1959* -1978)" now available

17 June 2022 | Updated version of "ERA5 back extension (*1959* -1978)" becomes available. (A further extension from 1940 to 1958 is currently in production.) For the details, see this webpage. For data access, see this webpage.

New S-RIP dataset "RID"

14 June 2022 | Patrick Martineau has prepared a new reanalysis intercomparison dataset (RID) for S-RIP Phase 2. This is an extended version of the dynamical part of Martineau et al. (2018). See more information in this document.

S-RIP co-lead changes

2 May 2022 | Lesley Gray who has served as an S-RIP co-lead since 2015 steps down - we greatly appreciate the time and effort she has put in to provide valuable input throughout the large effort of finishing up the S-RIP Final Report! Now, Jonathon Wright replaces Lesley Gray as a third co-lead, working together with Masatomo Fujiwara and Gloria Manney to set the directions and organization of S-RIP as we transition to its Phase 2!

S-RIP Final Report - final version - Published!!!

31 January 2022 | We are very happy to announce that the ***final version*** of The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) Final Report (SPARC, 2022) is now available at!!!

Extension (again) of submissions for S-RIP ACP/ESSD special issue through 2022

19 December 2021 | The end date for new submissions for the S-RIP ACP/ESSD special issue (acp; essd) has been extended (again) through calendar year 2022 (i.e., by 31 December 2022).

Early Online Release of the S-RIP Report !!!

24 July 2021 | We are very happy to announce that the The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) Final Report is now available at, as an early-online-release mode!!!

Reanalysis session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021

24 July 2021 | Please consider to submit an abstract to A092 - Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation, and Application. Abstract deadline is 4 August. This year, AGU is "HYBRID" - see the details at

WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis

16 April 2021 | The WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis will be held in Bonn (Germany), 13-18 September 2021 alongside the 2021 ECMWF Annual Seminar on Observations. The event is organized by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) at ECMWF's new location in Bonn. Note that 30 April is the deadline for abstract submisssion and financial support application.

S-RIP Report status

16 April 2021 | We are happy to let you know that the type-setting of S-RIP Report has just begun at the SPARC Office. We expect its publication in this summer. In parallel with the type-setting and proof-reading of the Report, we will start discussion on the Phase 2 of S-RIP soon.

S-RIP at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020

17 December 2020 | Masatomo Fujiwara presented an iPoster on S-RIP overview at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020. See this webpage for the details.

Extension (again) of submissions for S-RIP ACP/ESSD special issue through 2021

27 November 2020 | The end date for new submissions for the S-RIP ACP/ESSD special issue (acp; essd) has been extended (again) through calendar year 2021 (i.e., by 31 December 2021).

ERA5 1950-1978 "preliminary" data now available

9 November 2020 | A preliminary version of ERA5 1950-1978 data are now available from CDS. This is preliminary (see (1) and (2) for the reason), currently available at CDS separately from the ERA5 1979-present data, and will be updated around the end of 2021.

S-RIP Activity Report 2020

7 November 2020 | S-RIP co-leads submitted the S-RIP Activity Report 2020 to the SPARC Scientific Steering Group. Find the report at this webpage.

JRA-55 data now available only from NCAR/RDA, DIAS, etc.

1 November 2020 | Due to storage restrictions, provision of JRA-55 data from the JMA Data Dissemination System (JDDS) has been terminated at the end of October 2020. JRA-55 and JRA-55 family data are still available from other websites. See this webpage.

Indian NCMRWF regional and global reanalyses now available

18 September 2020 | The Indian National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) has started to provide two reanalysis data sets, (1) IMDAA regional reanalysis over India for 1979-2018, and (2) NGFS global reanalysis for 1999-2018. See this webpage for data access and publications. See also the youtube introduction link.

AGU Fall Meeting 2020

8 July 2020 | A reanalysis session, "A092 - Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation, and Application", will be held at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, San Francisco, USA, 7-11 December 2020 (Abstract submission deadline: 29 July 2020, 11:59 p.m. EDT). Note that this year, the AGU FM will be "mostly virtual" - for details, see this webpage.

ERA5 reference paper is now out

21 May 2020 | ERA5 reference paper is now out from QJRMS.

Call for Papers for "The Exceptional Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex in 2019/2020: Causes and Consequences"

15 May 2020 | This is for a new Special Section in Geophysical Research Letters and Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (Submission Open: 15 May 2020; Submission Deadline: 31 December 2021). S-RIP-related studies on this winter would make valuable contributions to the special collection. See JGR website and GRL website for more details.

ERA5.1 (2000-2006) now publicly available

4 May 2020 | The "ERA5.1" which is a rerun of ERA5 for the period from 2000 to 2006 is now publicly available. In ERA5.1, the cold bias in the lower stratosphere seen in ERA5 has been improved. ERA5.1 also has better representation of the upper stratospheric temperature and stratospheric humidity. The lower and middle troposphere in ERA5.1 are similar to those in ERA5. Access to ERA5.1 data is through the CDS API only using 'reanalysis-era5.1-complete' as per updated ERA5 complete data download guidelines - go to this link.

Review reports for Chapters 1-11

14 March 2020 | We have received a set of extensive review reports for the manuscripts of Chapters 1-11!.

JRA-55 tropical cyclone issue for the period 1959-1987

11 February 2020 | It was recently found that some tropical cyclones occurring over the Northeast Pacific and the North Atlantic from 1959 to 1987 were erroneously represented as anti-cyclonic vortices in JRA-55. See here for more information.

ERA5 and ERA5.1 (2000-2006)

6 February 2020 | The "ERA5.1" which is a revised reanalysis of ERA5 for the period from 2000 to 2006 is now documented: Simmons et al., "Global stratospheric temperature bias and other stratospheric aspects of ERA5 and ERA5.1".

Extension of submissions for S-RIP ACP/ESSD special issue through 2020

14 December 2019 | The end date for new submissions for the S-RIP ACP/ESSD special issue (acp; essd) has been extended (again) through calendar year 2020 (i.e., by 31 December 2020).

Reanalysis session at AGU FM 2019

10 December 2019 | A reanalysis session, "Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation, and Application", has been held at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting. Program can be found here: oral; poster.

S-RIP at the SSG meeting

7 December 2019 | S-RIP activity and future plan were reported at the 2019 SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting. See here for the details.

ERA5T data, and ERA5 at NCAR/RDA

3 December 2019 | "ERA5T" data, i.e., preliminary data for ERA5 with a 5-day delay from real time, are included in the data set available at Climate Data Store. See this page for more information on ERA5T and the meaning of "preliminary". Also, ERA5 0.25 deg. grid data are avaialbe at NCAR Research Data Archive as well. See this page for the links.

S-RIP Report manuscripts submitted for review

25 November 2019 | The S-RIP Report manuscripts (Chapters 1-11) were submitted to the SPARC Office today. The review process will be started soon.

20CR version 3 (1836-2015) available

22 November 2019 | The version 3 of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) has been available for the period 1836-2015. See here for the details.

Extended version of Chapter 2 updated

16 November 2019 | The extended electronic-only version of Chapter 2: Description of the Reanalysis Systems has been updated and is available here (S-RIPChapter2E.pdf). See here if you would like to check older versions.

S-RIP highlights presented at various meetings

28 October 2019 | S-RIP highlights were presented at various meetings (CCMI, AsiaPEX, NDACC, and DynVar) during August and October 2019. See here for more details.

2019 AGU Fall Meeting

25 July 2019 | A reanalysis session, "A109 - Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation and Application", will be held at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, *San Francisco*, USA, 9-13 December 2019 (Abstract submission deadline: 31 July 2019 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.).

Extended version of Chapter 2

24 May 2019 | An extended electronic-only version of Chapter 2: Description of the Reanalysis Systems is available for public download, comment, and review. The document includes additional details relative to the version of the chapter prepared for the printed report, and can be downloaded either from here or via the S-RIP project page on ResearchGate. Please contact Jonathon Wright with any questions, suggestions, or corrections.

ERA5 monthly averaged data now available

26 April 2019 | ERA5 monthly averaged data are now available at Climate Data Store.

MERRA-2 Weather and Chemical Maps

14 March 2019 | Weather maps and chemical maps using MERRA-2 data (e.g., 5-day movies) are available at NASA website.

Corrigendum of Fujiwara et al. 2017 paper

21 February 2019 | A Corrigendum of the S-RIP introduction/reanalysis-system-description paper has been published. Part of the Supplement has been corrected. Also, Table 4 of the paper has been corrected.

SPARC Newsletter Article on S-RIP

24 January 2019 | A SPARC Newsletter article on the S-RIP activities in 2018 has been published.

ERA5 now available from 1979 onward

17 January 2019 | ECMWF's new reanalysis ERA5 data are now available from 1979 onward. See the Copernicus website for the details. See also S-RIP's data info page.

S-RIP at the AMS 99th Annual Meeting

11 January 2019 | Gloria Manney presented a poster on S-RIP highlights at the AMS 99th Annual Meeting / 20th Conference on Middle Atmosphere. See this webpage for the details.

JASMIN S-RIP workspace directory name changed

24 December 2018 | The directory name of the S-RIP group workspace at JASMIN has been changed. See this webpage for the details.

Reanalysis session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2018

7 November 2018 | In the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting (Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec 2018), there is a reanalysis session A14G: Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation, and Application I (Oral, Monday, 10 December 2018 16:00 - 18:00) and the poster session (A13M, Monday, 10 December 2018 13:40 - 18:00).

MERRA-2 AMIP dataset

19 October 2018 | MERRA-2 AMIP dataset is now available. This dataset consists of a 10-member ensemble of free-running simulations with the GEOS atmospheric model used in the MERRA-2 reanalysis. There are monthly files for each of the 10 ensemble members and for the ensemble mean and daily (3-hourly) for a single member, "m2amip02". See GMAO MERRA-2 AMIP website for the details. See also S-RIP reanalysis link info page.

S-RIP side meeting and S-RIP at the SSG meeting

16 October 2018 | An S-RIP side meeting was held on 5 October 2018 during the SPARC General Assembly, and the S-RIP activity and future plan were reported on 7 October 2018 at the SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting. See here for the details.

S-RIP side meeting during the SPARC General Assembly

11 September 2018 | During the Friday lunchtime (Oct. 5th), we will have an S-RIP side meeting. Everyone who participates in the SPARC General Assembly (Kyoto, Japan, 1-5 Oct 2018) is welcome. [Please see the latest news at SPARC General Assembly website for information on the Kansai International Airport (KIX).]

Meetings of Interest (AGU FM & AMS Mid. Atmos. Conf.)

13 July 2018 | In the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting (Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec 2018), there is a reanalysis session A086: Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation and Application. Also, in the 20th Conference on Middle Atmosphere (in the AMS 99th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 6-10 Jan 2019), the topic, "atmospheric reanalyses and long-term observational datasets for middle atmospheric studies" is covered. The abstract submission deadline is approaching for both; check the above websites for the details.

ACP/ESSD special issue on "The S-RIP"

13 July 2018 | The deadline of the ACP/ESSD inter-journal special issue on "The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)" has been extended (from 31/12/2018) to 31/12/2019, i.e., the end of NEXT year. See the special issue webpages for ACP and for ESSD.

S-RIP Chapter-lead Meeting Held

13 July 2018 | We had a successful S-RIP Chapter-lead Meeting at NWRA, Boulder, USA during 25-27 June 2018. Please see the meeting webpage for more information including new decisions made there.

S-RIP Zonal-mean Datasets at CEDA

31 May 2018 | Two sets of S-RIP zonal-mean datasets are now available at CEDA: (1) dynamical variables prepared by P. Martineau; and (2) heating rates prepared by J. Wright. See also S-RIP's datasets page. [See also Martineau, Wright et al., ESSD, 2018]

Cancellation of the S-RIP Interim Report

14 May 2018 | After discussing with the SPARC co-chairs, external (review handling) editors, S-RIP chapter leads and reanalysis centre contacts, and SPARC Office, we decided to cancel the S-RIP Interim Report (for Chapters 1-4). This is because we now have the following three ACP papers, which can be regarded as an interim report of the S-RIP activities: Fujiwara, Wright, et al. ACP 2017 (on Chapters 1 and 2); Long et al. ACP 2017 (on Chapter 3); and Davis et al. ACP 2017 (on Chapter 4).

SPARC General Assembly 2018, 1-5 October, Kyoto, Japan

1 March 2018 | Abstracts can be submitted through here. Important deadlines include: 15 March for travel support request, and 1 April for abstract submission. Note that one of the six themes for this Assembly is "5. Advances in Observation and Reanalysis Datasets." We are planning to have an S-RIP side meeting to discuss future of this project.

A correction to the Supplement of ACP S-RIP Introduction paper (Fujiwara et al., 2017)

20 February 2018 | The total solar irradiance (TSI) values for NCEP-NCAR R1 in the Supplement (S-RIP_boundary_conditions_rv1.xlsx) have been corrected. Please re-download the Supplement zip file of Fujiwara et al., ACP, 2017.

SPARC Newsletter Article on S-RIP

13 February 2018 | A SPARC Newsletter article on the 2017 S-RIP workshop at the ECMWF, Reading, UK, has been published.

S-RIP Basic-Chapter Papers Published in ACP

7 December 2017 | All papers on the S-RIP basic chapters (Chapters 1-4) have been published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP): Chapters 1 and 2; Chapter 3; and Chapter 4. See also the S-RIP inter-journal special issue in ACP/ESSD.

S-RIP 2017 Workshop, SSG Meeting, and ICR5

24 November 2017 | The S-RIP 2017 Workshop (23-25 Oct.) was successfully ended (see here). The 2017 SPARC Scientific Steering Group (SSG) meeting was held one week before the Workshop, and Michelle Santee represented the S-RIP (see here). Masatomo Fujiwara made an invited overview talk on S-RIP at the ICR5 (13-17 Nov.; see here).

Agenda of the S-RIP 2017 Workshop (and 13th SPARC DA Workshop)

5 October 2017 | Agenda of the S-RIP 2017 Workshop is now available here.

CFSR model level data available

13 July 2017 | CFSR model level data during 1979-2015 (to be extended) are now available at NOAA ftp site. Contact Sean Davis for access information. See Butler et al. (2017 AMS Mid. Atmos. Conf., poster pdf) for overview of this data set.

New S-RIP Colour Table for reanalyses

11 July 2017 | New S-RIP colour table is now available here. This will be used for the S-RIP "Full" Report scheduled in 2018.

ERA5 2010-2016 data released

6 July 2017 | ECMWF's new full-input reanalysis data "ERA5" are now available for the period 2010-2016. See this page for more information.

2017 AGU Fall Meeting

26 June 2017 | A reanalysis session, "A083: Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation and Application", will be held at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, *New Orleans*, USA, 11-15 December 2017 (the early (final) abstract submissions deadline is 26 July (2 August) 2017, 11:59 P.M. EDT).

S-RIP 2017 Workshop - First circular released

9 June 2017 | The first circular of the 2017 S-RIP workshop (ECMWF, Reading, UK, 23-25 October 2017) has been released. See the 2017 workshop page.

5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5)

12 May 2017 | The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 31 May 2017. For more information see here.

Reanalysis User Requirement Survey

2 May 2017 | S-RIP conducts a survey to determine user requirements for future reanalysis data products. Anyone who is interested in reanalysis data sets is welcome to participate. Access the following two links: (1) Isentropic and Pressure Level Data Needs; (2) Wish List. The deadline for completing the survey is 30 June 2017.

5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5)

11 April 2017 | The 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5) will be held during 13-17 November 2017 in Rome, Italy. Among the five main topics, there will be a session on "Evaluation of reanalyses." The abstract submission deadline is 15 May 2017. For more information see here.

S-RIP Website Upgraded!

28 March 2017 | The S-RIP website has been upgraded!.

ACP/ESSD Inter-journal Special Issue on the S-RIP

31 January 2017 | The ACP special issue on the S-RIP has become an inter-journal special issue in ACP and in ESSD (Earth System Science Data).

An S-RIP Paper Published

31 January 2017 | The paper on S-RIP introduction and reanalysis-system overview has been published in ACP as a contribution to the ACP-ESSD inter-journal special issue.

S-RIP Interim Report Manuscripts Now Available

5 December 2016 | We are very happy to inform you that all the manuscripts for the S-RIP Interim Report (Chapters 1-4) are now ready for review.

Reanalysis Session at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting

1 December 2016 | The reanalysis session "Evaluating Reanalysis: Learning about Past Weather and Climate" will be held at the coming 2016 AGU Fall Meeting: Oral (NG33D, Wednesday, 14 Dec 2016 14:40-15:40, Moscone South 104) and Poster (NG41B, Thursday, AM, Moscone South Poster Hall).

S-RIP 2016 Workshop, Planned 2017 Workshop, and SSG Meeting

8 November 2016 | The S-RIP 2016 Workshop was successfully ended (see here). The next, 2017 Workshop will be held at ECMWF, UK during 25-27 October 2017 (see here). The 2016 SPARC Scientific Steering Group (SSG) meeting was held last week, and Lesley Gray represented the S-RIP (see here).

Agenda of the S-RIP 2016 Workshop

30 September 2016 | The agenda of the S-RIP 2016 Workshop (together with the agenda of the SPARC DA Workshop) is now available here.

S-RIP paper submitted to ACP

28 July 2016 | The paper on the S-RIP introduction and the reanalysis system overview (based on materials from Chapters 1 and 2 of the S-RIP report) has been submitted to the ACP special issue on The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP).

2016 AGU Fall Meeting

16 June 2016 | A reanalysis session, "A049: Evaluating Reanalysis: Learning about past weather and climate", will be held at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016 (the final abstract submission deadline is 3 August 2016, 11:59 P.M. EDT).

S-RIP 2016 Workshop - First circular released

1 June 2016 | The first circular of the next S-RIP workshop (Victoria, Canada, 19-21 October 2016) has been released. See the 2016 workshop page.

New co-lead of Chapter 11 and new point of contact for NASA reanalyses

24 April 2016 | John Knox becomes a co-lead of Chapter 11, working together with Lynn Harvey. Krzysztof Wargan becomes the new point of contact for MERRA and MERRA-2 reanalyses.

Variables on pressure levels available on S-RIP group workspace

8 March 2016 | Patrick Martineau has completed the transfer of his archive of 3D reanalysis variables (u,v,w,t,z) on pressure levels to the BADC's S-RIP group workspace. All files are provided in NetCDF format. The directory is ~/NETCDF_3D_pressure_levels/data_sets. The following reanalysis data sets are archived in separate sub-directories: 20CR, E20, ERA-40, ERA-INTERIM, JRA-25, JRA55, JRA55AMIP, JRA55C, NASA_MERRA, NCEP_CFSR, NCEP-DOE, and NCEP-NCAR.

SPARC DynVar Workshop and S-RIP Chapters 5 and 6 Meeting

8 March 2016 | SPARC DynVar is holding a joint meeting with S-RIP Chapters 5 and 6 (Brewer-Dobson Circulation and Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling) in Helsinki, Finland during 6-10 June 2016. See the meeting website. The overall theme of the workshop is "The Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation: Confronting Model Biases and Uncovering Mechanisms". The deadline for abstract submission and travel support application is 11 March 2016.

ACP Special Issue on the S-RIP

2 February 2016 | The S-RIP special issue has been approved by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP). To submit your paper to this special issue, please choose "The SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)" (note: the title starts with "T" not "S") in the ACP's paper submission page.

Model Levels Reanalysis Data

2 February 2016 | A sticky thread for scripts to download model levels reanalysis data, and associated discussion, has been created on the S-RIP Discussion Board. Scripts can also be placed on the BADC space in the workspace directory /group_workspaces/jasmin2/srip/scripts/model_levels/.

S-RIP Progress Discussed at the SPARC SSG Meeting

13 November 2015 | SPARC annual SSG meeting was held in Boulder, USA during 10-13 November 2015. Sean Davis represented S-RIP. Details are available here.

New S-RIP Co-leads

10 November 2015 | David Tan stepped down as one of the co-leads in July 2015. We are very happy to announce today that Lesley Gray and Gloria Manney become the new S-RIP co-leads working together with Masatomo Fujiwara. See the Working Group page.

S-RIP 2016 Workshop

6 November 2015 | The next S-RIP workshop will be held at Victoria, Canada during 19-21 October 2016. The SPARC Data Assimilation (DA) workshop will be held at the same place during 17-19 October 2016, with a one-day joint S-RIP - SPARC-DA session on 19 October 2016. Please check Upcoming Events page.

S-RIP and SPARC DA Workshops Successfully Ended

16 October 2015 | The S-RIP and SPARC Data Assimilation Workshops in Paris successfully ended. Details can be found at workshop page.

The Reanalysis Session of the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

14 October 2015 | The reanalysis session of the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, "Evaluating Reanalysis: What Can We Learn about Past Weather and Climate?" will be held on Monday, 14 December 2015 (oral presentations in the morning - A11R and A12D -, and poster presentations in the afternoon - A13C -).

Agenda of S-RIP and SPARC DA Workshops - The Final Version

6 October 2015 | The final version of the agenda of the coming S-RIP and SPARC Data Assimilation Workshops in Paris is now available at the workshop page.

S-RIP Common Grid Files

22 September 2015 | The S-RIP common grid files are being prepared by Sean Davis of NOAA and an initial draft is temporarily available through this page.

Agenda of S-RIP and SPARC DA Workshops Now Available

11 September 2015 | A preliminary agenda of the coming S-RIP and SPARC Data Assimilation Workshops in Paris is now available at the workshop page.

S-RIP on NCAR CISL's News Article

30 August 2015 | The S-RIP activity was introduced in a news article at the NCAR Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) that is managing the Research Data Archive (RDA).

All JRA-55 Family Datasets Now Available

28 August 2015 | All the "JRA-55 family" datasets are now available. See this page for the link information. The JRA-55 family includes the JRA-55, JRA-55C (assimilating the conventional data only), and JRA-55AMIP (no observational data assimilated, i.e., the AMIP-type run using the JRA-55 forecast model).

2015 AGU Fall Meeting

14 July 2015 | A reanalysis session, "A042: Evaluating Reanalysis: What can we learn about past weather and climate?", will be held at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14-18 December 2015 (abstract submission deadline is 5 August 2015, 11:59 P.M. EDT).

S-RIP 2015 Workshop in October at Paris

3 March 2015 | The next S-RIP workshop will be held at Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC; Pierre and Marie Curie University), Paris, France during 12-14 October 2015. The SPARC Data Assimilation (DA) workshop will be held at the same place during 14-16 October 2015, with 14 October for a joint S-RIP - SPARC-DA workshop. More information will be available at Upcoming Events.

S-RIP 2014 Workshop Report Published

5 February 2015 | Report of the S-RIP 2014 Workshop (Errera et al.) has been published in the SPARC Newsletter, No. 44, January 2015. [pdf]

S-RIP Progress Discussed at the SPARC SSG Meeting

22 January 2015 | SPARC annual SSG meeting was held in Spain during 13-16 January 2015. Michaela Hegglin represented S-RIP. Details are available here.

1st Journal Paper Directly Related to S-RIP Published

1 January 2015 | Mitchell, D., et al.: Signatures of naturally induced variability in the atmosphere using multiple reanalysis datasets, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1002/qj.2492, 2014.

QBO Modelling and Reanalyses Workshop, March 2015

14 November 2014 | The QBO Modelling and Reanalyses Workshop will be held at Victoria BC, Canada during 16-18 March 2015. Details are available here.

S-RIP 2014 Workshop Held and New S-RIP Co-lead Determined

1 October 2014 | The S-RIP 2014 Workshop was held for 10–12 September 2014 at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction. The SPARC Data Assimilation activity had a workshop in the same location for 8–10 September, with a joint workshop on 10 September. Details are available here. Last April, David Jackson stepped down as an S-RIP co-lead. At the Workshop, it was agreed that David Tan (ECMWF) becomes the new co-lead.

AGU Fall meeting and AMS meeting

24 July 2014 | A reanalysis session, "Reanalysis: Evaluation and Intercomparison", will be held at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014 (abstract submission deadline is 6 August 2014, 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT). Also, 18th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere will be held during the 95th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 4-8 January 2015 (abstract submission deadline is 1 August 2014).

S-RIP Progress Report Published

9 June 2014 | A progress report was published after one year from the S-RIP Planning Meeting. [pdf].

S-RIP Workshop and DA Workshop - 1st Circulars

14 May 2014 | The 1st circular of the S-RIP workshop (10–12 September 2014 at NOAA) was released [pdf]. Also, the 1st circular of the SPARC Data Assimilation (DA) workshop (8–10 September 2014 at the same place) was released [pdf]. The information about both workshops is available here.

S-RIP Workshop Scheduled

28 March 2014 | The next S-RIP workshop will be held 10–12 September 2014 at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP), Maryland, USA. The SPARC Data Assimilation (DA) activity will hold a workshop at the same location from 8–10 September, with a joint S-RIP–DA workshop on 10 September. Please reserve these dates. [link]

Additional JRA-55 Data Now Available

29 January 2014 | Daily mean and near-realtime gridded data from the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) are now available for download from JMA (registration is required). JRA-55 data are also available through the NCAR RDA and DIAS. [link]

S-RIP Implementation Plan Approved

21 January 2014 | The SPARC Scientific Steering Group approved the S-RIP Implementation Plan and upgraded S-RIP to a "full" SPARC activity. [pdf] [link]

S-RIP Side Meeting Held

14 January 2014 | 30 participants attended the S-RIP side meeting at the SPARC General Assembly in Queenstown, New Zealand. [link]

JRA-55 Data Now Available

30 September 2013 | Monthly mean data from the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) are now available for download (registration is required). [link]

Website for Chapter 6 Launched

4 September 2013 | A website for Chapter 6 of the S-RIP report, "Stratosphere–Troposphere Coupling", was launched early last month. [link]

S-RIP Update Published in SPARC Newsletter

30 July 2013 | An article summarizing the discussions held during the S-RIP Planning Meeting hosted at the UK Met Office between 29 April and 1 May 2013 was published in Issue 41 of the SPARC Newsletter. [pdf]

S-RIP Planning Meeting Held

1 May 2013 | An S-RIP planning meeting was held at the UK Met Office in Exeter from 29 April to 1 May 2013. The purposes of the meeting were to finalize the outline of the S-RIP report, to determine the diagnostics and data required for each chapter, to agree on general guidelines and protocols, and to define the timetable for the project. 39 scientists participated, with 20 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations.