Past Events
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting 2023 // 17 July 2023, Hybrid
S-RIP co-lead Gloria Manney presented the S-RIP activity report including S-RIP2 plans.
Presentation slides are available here.
S-RIP side (hybrid) meeting and two online meetings
We had a side meeting during the SPARC General Assembly (27 Oct 2022) and two online-only meetings (10 Nov 2022, 4-5 UTC & 13-14 UTC).
Agenda was as follows: (1) Overview of Phase 1; (2) Reanalysis centre updates; and (3) Discussion for Phase 2.
The slides used for these meetings are found here.
S-RIP overview presentations at various conferences/seminars during September 2021-October 2022 // September 2021 - October 2022
- SPARC General Assembly, 27 October 2022 (Fujiwara)
- Seminar at University of Oslo, October 2022 (Wright)
- Seminar at Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Institute Energy and Climate, October 2022 (Wright)
- iCACGP-IGAC Joint International Atmospheric Chemistry Conference, September 2022 (Wright)
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual Meeting (AOGS 2022 Virtual), 3 August 2022 (Fujiwara)
- Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), 2022 Meeting, 26 May 2022 (Fujiwara)
- Meteorological Society of Japan, 2022 Spring Meeting, 17 May 2022 (Fujiwara)
- AMS 21st Conference on Middle Atmosphere, 25 January 2022 (Manney)
- NOAA CSL seminar (online), 12 January 2022 (Fujiwara)
- AGU Fall Meeting 2021 (poster, online participation), 13-17 December 2021 (Fujiwara)
- DLR Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Institutsseminar im Wintersemester 2021/2022, 8 December 2021 (Fujiwara)
- The International Association of Meteorological Education and Sciences (IAMES) 1st Conference, 16 November 2021 (Wright)
- EOAS seminar, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University (online), 28 October 2021 (Fujiwara)
- LAPAN-Kyoto University International Symposium for Equatorial Atmosphere, EAR 20th Anniversary (online), 20–21 September 2021 (Fujiwara)
- Joint WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis (online), 13-17 September 2021 (Fujiwara)
AGU Fall Meeting 2020 // 17 December 2020, Virtual
A poster on S-RIP overview was presented.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting 2020 // 18 November 2020, Online
S-RIP co-leads submitted the Activity Report for S-RIP before the meeting.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting 2019 // 4-6 December 2019, Boulder, USA
Masatomo Fujiwara represented S-RIP at the 2019 SPARC SSG meeting.
DynVarMIP workhop on Atmospheric circulation in a changing climate // 22-25 October 2019, Madrid, Spain
A poster on S-RIP highlights was presented.
2019 Network for the Detection for Stratospheric Change (NDACC) Steering Committee Meeting // 14-18 October 2019, Tsukuba, Japan
A talk on S-RIP highlights was made.
Asian Precipitation Experiment (Asia-PEX) Kick-off Conference (under GEWEX) // 28-30 August 2019, Sapporo, Japan
A poster on S-RIP highlights was presented.
The Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) Science Workshop 2019 // 7-9 August 2019, Hong Kong
A poster on S-RIP highlights was presented.
AMS 99th Annual Meeting / 20th Conference on Middle Atmosphere // 6-10 January 2019, Phoenix, USA
A poster on S-RIP highlights was presented.
S-RIP side meeting during the SPARC General Assembly and the 2018 SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting // 30 September-8 October 2018, Kyoto, Japan
An S-RIP side meeting was held on 5 October 2018 during the SPARC General Assembly, and the S-RIP activity and future plan were reported on 7 October 2018 at the SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting.
S-RIP 2018 Chapter-lead Meeting // 25-29 June 2018, Boulder, USA
S-RIP Chapter-lead Meeting was held at the NorthWest Research Associates (NWRA), Boulder, USA during 25-29 June 2018 (28-29 for breakout sessions).
5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5) // 13-17 November 2017, Rome, Italy
There were invited and contributed talks/posters related to S-RIP.
S-RIP 2017 Workshop // 23-25 October 2017, Reading, UK
Annual S-RIP workshop was held for 23-25 October 2017 at ECMWF, Reading, UK. The SPARC Data Assimilation activity had a workshop in the same location for 25–27 October, with a joint workshop on 25 October.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting // 16-18 October 2017, Incheon, South Korea
Michelle Santee represented S-RIP at the SPARC SSG meeting.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting // 1-4 November 2016, Berlin, Germany
Lesley Gray represented S-RIP at the SPARC SSG meeting.
S-RIP 2016 Workshop // 19-21 October 2016, Victoria, Canada
Annual S-RIP workshop was held for 19-21 October 2016 at Victoria, Canada. The SPARC Data Assimilation activity had a workshop in the same location for 17–19 October, with a joint workshop on 19 October.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting // 10-13 November 2015, Boulder, USA
Sean Davis represented S-RIP at the SPARC SSG meeting.
S-RIP 2015 Workshop // 12-14 October 2015, Paris, France
Annual S-RIP workshop was held for 12-14 October 2015 at Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC; Pierre and Marie Curie University). The SPARC Data Assimilation activity had a workshop in the same location for 14–16 October, with a joint workshop on 14 October.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting // 13-16 January 2015, Granada, Spain
Michaela Hegglin represented S-RIP at the SPARC SSG meeting.
S-RIP 2014 Workshop // 10–12 September 2014, College Park, MD, USA
An S-RIP workshop was held for 10–12 September 2014 at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction. The SPARC Data Assimilation activity had a workshop in the same location for 8–10 September, with a joint workshop on 10 September.
SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting // 21 January 2014, Queenstown, New Zealand
Edwin Gerber represented S-RIP at the SPARC SSG meeting. The
S-RIP Implementation Plan was well-received, and S-RIP has
been made a "full" SPARC activity.
SPARC 2014 General Assembly // 14 January 2014, Queenstown, New Zealand
The S-RIP co-leads convened a side meeting for working group
members and other interested parties.
S-RIP Planning Meeting // 29 April–1 May 2013, Exeter, UK
An S-RIP planning meeting was held to finalize the outline of the
S-RIP report, determine the diagnostics and data required
for each chapter, agree on general guidelines and
protocols, and define the timetable for the project. 39
scientists participated, with 20 oral presentations and 21
poster presentations.